
How to Achieve Your Goal

Do you ever wonder if you can achieve what you want to have in life? Yes, it not easy especially if you will face so many challenges along the way. You feel like giving up. But as what other people say, behind every successful man is an unsuccessful years.

Nothing is impossible for those who believe.
Here are some ways that will help you achieve your goals in life:

1. Determine your major purpose. This is the very first thing you should think. Ask yourself, “What do I really want in my life?” It’s because you don’t know if you already achieve one thing if you don’t know what your goal is.

2. Is you goal measurable. Not every goal has it priced. After knowing what your goal is, determine how much its value. It’s putting price on your dreams.  So that you can find ways on how to get that specific value in such time. For example, you want a new car? How much is the price of a brand new car.

3. Is your goal attainable. In determining a goal, you should consider your goal if you can achieve it. Determine if there are ways you can get what you want.

4. Is your goal realistic. It is important that your goals are realistic. That you can able achieve it and not just a dream.

5. Determine your goal’s time-bound. In setting a goal, you should set specific time or date if when you want to receive or achieve your goal. Example: You want to become a lawyer. When do you exactly want to be a lawyer? Next year or 2 years from now?

6. Use the law of attraction. We all know that the law of attraction really works. What we always think, see and feel will come to us. Why not also use it in your everyday lives. Always think and feel that you already receive what you want in life.

7. Take an action. The most important thing in achieving your goal is making it happen. Find ways on how to achieve your goal. Whether you will go to look for a job, run your own business or go for real estate marketing.  Either way, what is important is making an action to all your plans. Grab every opportunity that comes along your way as long as it is not illegal.

They key tips to achieve your goal is to start making it happen. Why start tomorrow if you can do it today? Take one step at a time, don't be afraid.


Tips to a Successful Relationship

What it takes to have a long-lasting relationship? The success of it begins within you. It depends on how you handle every challenge that comes your way.

Here are some tips to make your relationship work and bond stronger:

1. Keep communication open. Communicating is really important in a relationship. It is a way to know your partner and your partner knows about you.  A relationship without any communications are won’t really workout.  Talk about what you want and listen to each other is important.

2. Anticipations. Give some time to discuss with your partner about what you expect in your relationship, if do you have want or rules and know what you are committing to.

3. Loyalty. Being loyal is really easy if you want to spend the rest of your life with your partner now. You will not cheat behind his/her back. Even he/she is far away from you, just remain loyal and faithful for he/she will do the same for you.

4. Spend some time together.  In a relationship, you should give your partner a priority time. It is the time to know your partner’s characteristics and to let them feel that they are important to you.

5. Be supportive. Instead of judging your partner’s decision, if it is good for him/her why not just support of what he/she wants. From the time you are two are together, you are already a one team. 

6. Make plan together. Making plans for the future is a great sign that you are serious in that relationship, that you are in a long-term relationship.

7. Respect each other.  Respect your partner and act right to earn his/her respect. Accept your partner for what he/she really is. Don’t try to change his/her personality as what you want.

8. Exert your effort. Don’t take your relationship for granted. Perfect relationship doesn’t just happen. It requires your time and effort.

9. Be thankful. Feel the great feeling for having a wonderful person in your life and be happy that they have chosen you too.  It is just one time to meet the perfect person for you.  

10. Trust your partner. Even your partner is miles away from you, just believe and have faith in him/her that. Doubts can ruin a perfect relationship. If you have heard some negative things about your partner, ask him/her first, clarify the truth. Do not assume things that he/she didn’t do.

11. Let your partner become your best friend. It is great that your partner is your best friend; you can share all your secrets without worrying that other will know about it. You can assure that it will remain keep.

12. The love and care. Without love you two will not understand each other. The love is the perfect ingredient for a long-lasting romantic relationship.  If you love, you care about your partner. You would be concern about his/her feeling, health and all the things about him/her.


Finding the True Happiness

What happiness really means? What it takes to be happy? These are just the questions stock in my mind these last few days. Why others are so happy while I am not. As human being, we want to be happy always. But life is full of ups and downs, there is no perfect in this world. There is some time that we can feel pain. But there are things that we can do to prevent being sad, to enjoy life and to be truly happy.

True happiness comes from within.

How to Achieve Happiness in Life


1. Determine what makes you happy. As an individual, we have different desires in our life. We have different things that we hope for. Don't look and compare the things your peers have that you don't have. Know your own life's wants.

 2. Know your goals. Attaining your life's goals is really a big achievement for you. Giving time for the things you value much in your life can make you happy.

3. Stay positive. If something goes wrong that out of your plan, don't get upset or mad, instead try to figure out what is the reason it fails. Try and try again until you'll get what you want. You can have all your time. Just don't give up. Maybe there are just reasons why you didn't get it in time you want it to achieve.

 4. Be with happy people. Surrounding yourself with happy people will also make you feel great and happy. What is happening in your surrounding will reflect on what you feel. Be with people who will encourage you.

 5. Be yourself. The first people who will appreciate you so much is none other than yourself. See the true beauty within yourself. It's like you can't find love if you don't love yourself first.

 6. Forget what makes you feel mad. Failures and pains in the past is not important anymore. Past is past and you can never change them. Face the fact that it’s already over. Instead of always blaming yourself why don't just learn from it.

7. Spend some time alone. Giving yourself a time alone to think and appreciate what you have can make you realize and see that you have a lot of things to be thankful. Be grateful every little thing that you have now. Being grateful can make you truly happy that come from your heart.

8. Lower your expectations. Expecting too much and never achieve can cause you so much pain. It is not bad to dream big, to hope and wish for things. It’s too hard to find happiness if you dream to high. You can't appreciate the little things that will come your way.

9. Stay healthy. Being physical and mentally fit can let you find the true happiness. Simply you can do anything you want to do in your life. You can go for a walk, run, swimming and laugh with the people you love without worrying anything. You can enjoy yourself to the fullest.

The most important thing is don’t let the day end with anger. Make peace in everything, it will make you have a good night sleep and it will lighten up your next day.